Human IFNα Analyte Overview

Human IFNα

Also known as IFN alpha, interferon gamma, type I interferon

Interferon alpha (IFN⍺) is a member of the interferon type I family of immune system proteins that bind to the INF⍺/β receptor complex. IFN⍺ plays a role in innate viral immunity and inflammatory responses. It is produced primarily by dendritic cells and leukocytes, however its production is inhibited by interleukin 10. There are multiple subtypes of IFN⍺ that each play unique roles in the immune system, including activating natural killer (NK) cells, stimulating B cell proliferation, promoting the production of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types I and II, activating dendritic cells to promote an immune response. The interleukin has been found to limit the proliferation of cancer cells by halting the cell cycle and inducing apoptosis. IFN⍺ is commonly produced as a therapeutic under the name interferon alfa to treat a number of cancers and viral diseases, including leukemia, melanoma, and hepatitis B and C infections.

Q-Plex™ Details

Species: Human
Assay Type: Sandwich
Sample Type: Human Serum, EDTA Plasma, Haparin Plasma
Assay Range: 400 – 0.72 pg/mL
Lower Limit of Detection (LLD): 0.36 pg/mL
Volume Required Per Well: Min. 25µL
Detection Method: Chemiluminescent
Singleplex Format: 96-well plate

Features & Requirements

  • Measure IFNα in 2.25 hours
  • Sensitive, reproducible, and convenient 96-well format requiring low sample volumes
  • Requires the Q-View™ Imaging System for analysis

Assay Performance Characteristics


Sample Concentration (pg/ml) %CV
Sample 1 169 6%
Sample 2 123 4%
Sample 3 125 5%

Intra-assay (n=20)
Average Intra-assay CV: 5% 

Sample Concentration (pg/ml) %CV
Sample 1 150.40 8%
Sample 2 114.50 10%
Sample 3 110.70 9%

Inter-assay (n=10)
Average Inter-assay CV: 9% 

Dilutional Linearity

Dilution Factor % Recovery
Serum 1 Serum 2 EDTA Plasma 1 EDTA Plasma 2
2 108% 94% 94% 101%
4 108% 104% 97% 95%
8 104% 98% 98% 96%

Average percent linearity: 100%
Percent linearity range: 94 – 108%

human IFNa linearity

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Not seeing the biomarker or analyte you need? Customize your kit! The Q-Plex™ Custom Assays are fully quantitative ELISA-based Chemiluminescent assay kits allowing the concurrent measurement of up to 18 biomarkers or analytes.

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Choose up to 18 different biomarkers that will work best for your research. Send in your samples and let us run them for you. 

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